Thank you

Woke up this morning to 54 followers for this blog.

This can be a small number for other bloggers, but an achievement in itself for me (I created this page on June 24. For my previous WP blog, I have 122 followers over the course of 7 years, heheh). To be honest, I’m not even blogging for readership and I don’t intend to monetize this platform, but knowing that people can notice, read, and appreciate some of my thoughts is rewarding.

In the midst of negative things happening, we only have to look for our own silver linings. Thank you so much for making me smile today. 😊

Author: Sen

A 30something professional wishing to fulfill her childhood dream of keeping a decent space in the blogosphere. An all-for-God servant. Also known now as Mrs. Mercado. Still a beloved princess of the King of Kings.

15 thoughts on “Thank you”

  1. Same feeling when I was just starting to blog. I’ve been counting my followers. Can’t believe that my followers reached up to 160 🙂 although I am not regularly updating it. Congrats and keep on writing.


    1. This is one thing I truly appreciate about WordPress- that we can just express ourselves and nobody is being critical with how we word our post, or how frequent we update.. Hindi toxic hahah 😅 thank you for reading and commenting ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hello! Same here. Before I used to care about the figures but now it doesn’t matter anymore. I blog for keepsake and to express. Anyhoo, congrats! Keep safe always. x


  3. Congratulations! When it comes to people who enjoy your posts and writing, I think no number is small, because even the smallest bit of appreciation and connection goes a long way! Hope you have a good week! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True, and regardless of numbers, it is always an honor to share my thoughts and for them to be read by wonderful people like all of you! Thank you and stay safe! 💖


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